In July 2009, Dado Moroni’s trio was on the bill of a small festival that was organized at the Hôtel de laLongeraie in Morges, very close to Lausanne, Switzerland. Dado had chosen an indisputable program,sprinkled with the “oldies but goodies” that have always been part of his repertoire and that are allvehicles conducive to transcendental improvisations. Each track has extraordinary vivacity and theseinnitely melodic-harmonically rich inventions, that seem to spring from the pianist’s head and ngers inan uninterrupted ow of ideas. The presence of double bassist Reggie Johnson and drummer PeterSchmidlin gives an imperial foundation to the ensemble and allows the pianist the wildest ights of fancy,he who loves nothing more than launching into instrumental pyrotechnics when the mood rises slowlybut surely… as in their version of “Just One Of Those Things”, a tour de force as exhilarating as it isrhythmically overwhelming!Since that glorious evening in July of 2009, Reggie and Peter have sadly left us. It is therefore properthat this recording, the 50th offering of the Swiss Radio Days Jazz Series, honors its creator, PeterSchmidlin, who founded and established TCB – The Montreux Jazz Label.Vol. 50 also marks the 30th anniversary of the Series, the frist volume having seen the light in 1994(Quincy Jones Big Band, Laussanne 1960).
€ 19,95